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  » Issue contents  2018-01-16 Corrigendum
Corrigendum notice
Sandra Khor Manickam. 2017. “Wartime imaginings of an archipelagic community: Fajar Asia and the quest for peninsula Malayan and Indonesian unity.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 18 (3): 347-363
In the article above, there are two people named Zainal Abidin Ahmad. The first was the West Sumatran editor of Fajar Asia and the second was the intellectual and journalist from Malaya known as Za’ba.
page 348, line 13: the phrase “or Za’ba” should not appear here.
page 349, line 6: “Za’ba” should not appear here.
page 352, line 10: the phrase “under the editorship of Za’ba” should not appear here.
page 352, line 13: “Za’ba (1895-1973) was the editor of Fajar Asia in its first print run” should read: “One of the main contributors from Malaya in the pages of Fajar Asia, and the person behind many articles on spelling unification, was Za’ba [1895–1973]”.
page 354, lines 21-25 should read: “The former chair of the newspaper Panji Islam in Medan, Zainal Abidin Ahmad, was listed as the editor of the magazine, and Za’ba was an early and prominent contributor. The former had strong connections to Indonesian literary circles, while readers within the Malay Peninsula would have been familiar with Za’ba through his activities in SITC and being involved in intellectual circles in Malaya. As will be shown, …”
page 354, line 29: the phrase “, written by Za’ba,” should not appear here.
page 358, lines 4-5 should appear as: “This article was accompanied by a commentary on the issue entitled ‘Persatuan Bahasa dan Bahasa Persatuan’ (‘Language unification and a language of unity’) which stated:”
page 361, line 22: the phrase “, under the editorship of Za’ba,” should not appear here.
The author apologizes for these errors and any confusion caused.

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