Malaysia as an “Other” in Indonesian popular discourse
Farabi FAKIH
The article reads contemporary popular publications in Indonesia on the topic of Indonesian-Malaysian relations. It looks at how Indonesia perceives Malaysia and the function of that perception in relation to Indonesian national identity. The article also looks at how Indonesian perception of Malaysia were discussed during the revolutionary period by reading the speeches held at the constitutional meeting (BPUPKI) and the Konfrontasi period, reading the speeches written by Sukarno and the letter of Pan-Malay leader exiled in Indonesia, Ibrahim Yaacob. The article could then compare between the ideas espoused by Sukarno, Yaacob and others in the past and the arguments presented in the present day concerning Malaysia. The article reaches a preliminary conclusion that geopolitical anxiety and not kinship as a more important factor in how contemporary Indonesia sees Malaysia.
KEYWORDS: Indonesia, Malaysia, Other, Perception, Popular
Notes on contributor
Farabi Fakih is a lecturer at the History Department, Universitas Gadjah Mada. His main research interests is on urban history, the history of the Indonesian state and the intellectual history of Indonesia.