Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements



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  » Issue contents  2017-10-29 Andres Bonifacio
 Andres Bonifacio: proletarian hero of the Philippines and Indonesia
ABSTRACT  The concluding chapter of Tan Malaka’s (1897-1949) large philosophical work entitled Madilog: Materialisme, Dialektika, Logika contains interesting reflections on the extent and scope of the future liberated and sovereign Indonesian nation and on the concept of “Indonesian” heroism and nationality. However, most striking of all is the uppermost position he allots in his schema for Philippine national heroes such as Dr. Jose Rizal, the patriot and writer, and Andres Bonifacio, the leader and founder of the Katipunan, the most successful Philippine revolutionary anti-colonial organization.
KEYWORDS: Tan Malaka, Malay race, Philippine Revolution of 1896, Andres Bonifacio, Jose Rizal
Note on the contributor
Ramon Guillermo is Professor of Philippine Studies at the University of the Philippines. He is the author of several essays and books on translation studies, digital philology and Philippine intellectual history.

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