Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements



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  » Issue contents  2016-12-31 Vol. 1 No 3 2000
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies    Vol. 1 No 3  2000 
Editorial statement   
An introduction
Myung Koo Kang 
Labour relations in Korea between crisis management and living solidarity
Su-Dul Kang 
The structure of the South Korean developmental regime and its transformation: statist mobilization and authoritarian integration in the anticommunist regimentation
Cho Hee-Yeon 
The discourse of crisis and the crisis of discourse
Kwang-Yeong Shin
Discourse politics toward neo-liberal globalization
Myung Koo Kang 
Photo essay
Body, authority and history: a photo essay
Lim Ok-Sang & Park Bul-Dong 
Mourning Korean modernity in the memory of the Cheju April Third Incident
Kim Seong-Nae 
Detraditionalization of society and the rise of cultural studies in South Korea
Keehyeung Lee 
Rethinking the new beginning of the democratic union movement in Korea: from the 1987 Great Workers’ Struggle to the construction of the Korean Trade Union Council (Chunnohyup) and the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU)
Kim Jin Kyoon
Bridging the generation gap
Kim Young-Soon & Han Myung-Hee
Play in the house of order: The Necessary Stage’s BrainStorm
Lucy Davis & Lee Weng Choy
The controversy over “Fire”: a select dossier (Part II) 
Comment on Hanasaki Kohei: decolonialization and the assumption of war responsibility
Diana Wong 
Political subjects, national identities
M. Madhava Prasad

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Vol 25.2

25.2 visual essay

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Vol 10-15 visual essay

Vol 16-20 visual essay

Vol 21- visual essay

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