Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements



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  » Issue contents  2022-11-19 22.2
 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements   Volume 22   Number 2  June 2021

Table of contents 

Editorial introduction: androgynous bodies and cultures in Asia
Michelle H. S. HO, Eva Cheuk-Yin LI, and Lucetta Y. L. KAM                        

Performing androgyny: cross-dressing actresses, fandom, and queer sensibility in Hong Kong Cantonese opera
Priscilla TSE                                                             

From dansō to genderless: mediating queer styles and androgynous bodies in Japan
Michelle H. S. HO                                                        

Who are the Zhongxing Nu Hai? Gender, sexuality, and the configuration of gender-neutral identity in contemporary Taiwan
Yi-Ting LU and Yu-Ying HU                                                  
Transgender trouble: gender transcendence in self-ethnographic genderqueer experience in Hong Kong  
Siufung W. L. LAW                                                        

Epilogue: on keoi and the politics of pronouns
Helen Hok-Sze LEUNG                                                      

Visual essay
(Un)bound: a collaborative project on transgender identity in Singapore
Grace BAEY et al.                                                                                                              

Contested modernity and its discontents: on Maja Lee Langvad’s Hun er vred
Kim-Su RASMUSSEN                                                       

Cultural heritage
The challenge of heritage management for post national symbol: the dilemma of the Chungshan Great Hall’s adaptive reuse, Taiwan
YIN Pao-Ning                                                            

Small-medium-large countryism: divesting the nation-state  
Kuan-Hsing CHEN  

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